With it being International Women’s Day and all, it seems fitting to introduce myself as the newest member of the GingerBeard’s Preserves team!
Hi, my name is Claire
I’m Harry’s life partner and now fellow director of GingerBeard’s Preserves so I guess it is now a family business.
I’ve seen the company grow since 2014 and all the hard work that Harry has put into making it the success that it is today; I’ve done my share of markets in the dead of winter, proof-reading newsletters and labels after dinner (sorry for the missed typos), emergency fixing the website and product tasting (of course) over the years.
It feels great to now properly be able to put in the time, attention and energy GingerBeard’s Preserves deserves with my new role as Sales & Marketing Director. Social media posts and cute emojis that’s all me now!
I’ll leave you with the words of the International Women’s Day campaign:
Imagine a gender equal world.
A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.
A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
A world where difference is valued and celebrated.